Published May 16, 2022
Varsity 'Smash' Team at Collegiate Esports Commissioners Cup
JuiceDLC, ShatteredWing, and P traveled to Atlanta to compete with some of the best collegiate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate players in the nation.
Full Sail Armada’s varsity Super Smash Bros. Ultimate team recently attended the 2022 Collegiate Esports Commissioners Cup (CECC) in Atlanta. Smash team captain Giuseppe “JuiceDLC” Libonati was joined by fellow athletes William “ShatteredWing” Rivera, Felipe “P” Brito De Castro, and Armada Team Manager Eric “HeavyCura” Alpizar for a weekend full of incredible matches.
“The environment of the event was honestly pretty solid,” says William. “Players respected each other and genuinely had fun.”
For the Armada team, CECC provided them an opportunity to scope out the current competition and bond with one another in a way that only in-person competitive events can.
“Besides the event itself, it was very nice to travel to an event with my teammates,” says Giuseppe. “We had good times playing before and after the event, and even spent some time practicing a new tech that was just discovered.” William had similar feelings, saying “The definitive highlight was simply hanging out with JuiceDLC, P, and HeavyCura…I would never trade that experience for anything.”
If you’d like to join the Armada community and hang out with fellow Smash players like JuiceDLC, P, and ShatteredWing, head over to the Full Sail Armada Discord and consider trying out for an Armada varsity team.